Ordered a new Mac and the UPS guy delivered it this afternoon. It's been probably seven years since the last new one and things have changed a little bit. All of this firewire, USB, and translucentness (?).
The G4 is a nice machine, but what's REALLY sweet is the 17" Apple LCD monitor. I went back and forth on getting this...will it be big enough (I had a 19" on the old Mac), should I really spend the extra money, will it be big enough...blah, blah, blah, as my nephew Garrett would say.
Right choice. It has almost the exact same physical dimensions as the 19" monitor with a resolution of 1280x1024. The picture is rock solid, crisp, and clean. I find myself visiting graphics web sites just to see how nice they look.
I'd even given consideration to the new LCD iMac, but was sure that a 15" monitor wouldn't do. Maybe it would...maybe, but I'm not giving up this sweet screen.