Doncha just hate cell phone envy? You think you have it so good with your motorola startac slung smartly on your hip or nokia "just like the matrix" silver surfer tucked into a convienent recess...and then you go to Europe and see how cell phones & service really should be! They have a little sim card, so if the battery wears out on your phone from sending a thousand SMS messages in the last hour you simply over-power an underling, pop the sim out of their phone, put yours in and you're live and taking calls again without a burp. Here in the US we have wonderful features like "send SMS messages ONLY to other XYZ subscribers....neat!" US cell phone companies are still operating under the delusional hypothesis that sooner or later they will be the one and only carrier and there's no reason for system interoperability. Meanwhile across the pond Britons to Send 1 Billion Text Messages in August. SMS, in case you haven't been keeping score, is like instant messaging without having to sit at your computer all day or like a one second phone call ("dinner party @ 8 CU there") without being interupted.