Friday March 29, 2002

Dog BreathPet Breath Ameliorator Patent Issued, actually there are a number of patents related to pets and garlic. This one deals with dog breath. What's funny is that the day before reading this I was at the pet store and saw a tin of dog breath mints, like altoids for dogs, and thought what kind of obsessive control freak needs to adjust their dog's breath? All kinds, I guess.

<Nose Rant> I'm more concerned with the un-natural scents out there. Why would I want my dishes lemony fresh? A dish without ANY smell would seem much cleaner than one coated in who-knows-what to create the illusion of a lemon scent. Besides, if I make lemonade how will I ever know if the dishes get clean? Talk about recursion. Ditto on scented laundry products...just clean it already. </Nose Rant>