Things are slow here in the zone. Cloudy wet weather has been parked overhead like an old stinky sink sponge. My personal solar array/photosynthesis is so depleted it seems the only option is to crawl back into bed and curl up like a perennial tuber, hoping someone wheels me outside when the sun comes back. That and a birthday slipped through the cracks, nudging the age odometer another lackadaisical click.
But, hey, dogs are popular. Over the weekend my logs showed lots of activity for the sensory story I wrote early this year, Dear Zeke, Letters to my dog. From what I can tell it was circulating via email, like a virus. Hey maybe it was? Some of those viruses pick random bits off your hard drive or browser cache, what's more random than trying to figure out how to write to a dog?
And then the hits started rolling in for My Dog Hates OS X, a little historical tongue in cheek story about dogs and 'puters. Seems it was picked up by someone over at . They must have some mechanism for spreading stories among friends. Well, however it worked out hello to all of the livejournal folks: m2, fuke, xyloart, terwilliger, confidential, xmac, myhelmet, rootie_kazootie, ngb2k, tats, apestyle, stewartville, sstrickl, zang, nancianna, seacrets, dweezil, kayiwa, sanguine37, dharmabumx, malver, volve, fan_of_god, lallorona, miyuko, particle_man, aditu, oncee, hippierage, girliegirl888, chuckvideo, xviragox, wankle, kimykat, pinkycam, love_no_evil, flrtygrl99, t3chwh0r3, corradokid, ~the48thronin, huggy, corsakti, ebound, clevernickname, and more...
p.s. the dog is fine
Happy birthday!
Thanks, Phil.