Happy day, the 3rd edition of the Thomas J. Glover Pocket Ref is out! In addition to all the great formulas and reference material they've added:
Trailer Electric Wiring and Connectors, First Aid Chapter, Chili Hotness Scale, How to Tie 50 Common Knots, Semaphore & Braille Alphabets, Melting Points and Density of Metals, Clothing Sizes, Torino Asteroid Destruction Scale, Hand Signals for Cranes and Lifting, Hurricane & Tornado Scales, Mileage Tables for Vehicles, Weather Symbols & Cloud Types, and more...
I'd love to share the gallons per minute discharge for a given nominal pipe diameter, the inductance formula for a multiple layer coil winding, or at least the material dumping angle for compact earth but I'm sure you'd prefer to look them up yourself.