Thursday September 5, 2002



[A hay field, recently mowed. A man and his dog walk along the right edge. Two young deer are mid-field, eating fresh cuttings. They sense the strangers and run to the forest's edge. The man notices the deer and makes a decision.]

MAN: "Go get 'em!"

[The dog takes off full speed across the field. The game is familiar. Often it is played without anything to "get" but nonetheless he shows enthusiasm and unfettered speed.]

DEER 1: here comes a wolf...we should run brother

DEER 2: stay your course Moribund its trajectory is not coincidental with our position

[Deer remain frozen in place. Dog speeds across the field, passing within thirty feet of deer. The man shakes his head in mirth.]
Sunset Dog
DEER 2: it is as I predicted, the beast is a plaything, its aggressive actions merely an entertainment. it must rely elsewhere for sustenance

DEER 1: you are wise Peer but what of the man

DEER 2: yes, it is conceivable that he wishes us ill. the beast has passed let us make our exit

[Deer exit stage left. Dog winds down in a long arch back towards the road. The Man pauses to watch the Sunset and turns for home.]

Faith • 2002-09-10 08:46pm

For soothe!!!