Back in the TrunkAlso finished in the past weeks: battery charger installation and battery box lids. It's a good thing I'm almost done because I'm running low on swimming pool plastic!
This turned out nice. I could get another four inches of vertical trunk space if I trim the box down, but I'll see how much call there is for it. It is a four door so storage shouldn't be a problem.
No fancy self-winding electrical cord here. The cord comes out the old gas filler door
and it's forty feet of twelve guage, which they advertise as capable of 15 amps.
I adjusted the Zivan charger so the first stage of charging puts 11 amps into the battery pack.
I don't know how much current is pulled from the wall yet, need to rig something up.
The charger puts out from 160-190vdc during the charge cycle, starting with a heavy
current (11 amps, 160vdc), then at 80% charge it switches down to 4 amps or so with the voltage
steadily climbing until it gets the batteries good and bubbly, then shuts off.
There are adjustments for: safety current,
end of charge current, max current, and gas voltage. Unfortunately they don't provide
any detailed instructions, just a small chart of charge characteristic curves.
Another item checked off the to-do list is vacuum reserve. This was fabricated with PVC pipe and 'T's into the vacuum line to the brake cylinder. I found that going down longer hills it would start losing the power assist on the brakes: they still worked, but you'd have to work harder (not smarter) for the same braking action. Adding this three foot long cylinder greatly extends the useable vacuum...I haven't had a problem yet. I expect to get my photos back tomorrow so more *stuff* is on the way. Also a report on how the car inspection goes! Next: Batts & Brackets |
© Copyright 1995-2002 Jerry Halstead